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  • info@akronbio.com
  • ADE Pollo

    ADE Pollo
    AD3E POLLO is a liquid oral vitamin supplement. It is    for the treat­ment and prevention of deficiencies of the vitamins A, D3    and/or E,
    e.g. growth dis­tur­banc­es, non-infectious re­pro­duc­tive and    sight disturbances, enteritis, ra­chi­tis (rickets), reconvalescence and    skin prob­lems.
    Pro­phy­lac­tic treatment during challenge periods and    stress situations.

    Components for lt
    Vitamin A         100.000 IU
    Vitamin D3         20.000 IU
    Vitamin E                 20 mg

    To counter the effects of calcium deficiency and vitamin D3,particularly in chickens and hens, Reduces susceptibility to infection and increases resistance to adverse conditions herds rearing , helps to improve theproduction results, regardless of the production profile,

    Mode of use
    For all types of animals mix 500 g in 1000 liters of drinking water
    Package: 1 Lt and 5 Lt