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    Complementary feeding stuff to improve fertility in cattle
    F E R T I L  O R Y is a complex of active substances especially developed for cows, which consists of organically bound trace elements, vitamins, and further specialties that stimulate  the fertility of cows and additionally improve the health and vitality of calves.
    Its active agents have been designed to act immediately on the reproductive system in such a way that on the one hand, to mitigate the effects of external stimuli, which affect its proper operation, on the other hand to stimulate and improve its operation
    Among the many bovine diseases, reproductive problems is one of the most important factors contributing to the decline in profitability of the herd. The main problem in the dairy farming is the need to simultaneously maintain high milk production and good fertility of cows, which depends mainly on nutrition, care and breeding organizations in the herd. Optimal fertility, in addition to diet, you should unquestionably a factor in the economic performance of dairy farms. All treatments aimed at increasing the reproduction rate is highly desirable, as limited breeding cattle are one of the main factors limiting breeding progress.

    Supports the maintenance of fertility and pregnancy in cows
    Best fertility and distinct, intensive oestrus symptoms
    Improve the overall health of the animal, stabilizing metabolism processes
    It improves the digestibility of feed: the distribution and use of cellulosic components, protein and carbohydrate structural feed
    Optimizes pH of the rumen
    Low fertilization index
    High fertilization success rate
    Reduces oxidation radicals, the effect increases the amount of oxygen transported from the blood to the fetus. Greater amount of oxygen delivered to the fetus improve its development. This reduces the amount of mortality among newborn calves

    Effectiveness of FERTIL ORY is based on:
    1)    The content of fatty acids Omega 3 and 6 inhibits the production of prostaglandins PGF2 alpha, which facilitates proper implantation of the embryo and placenta formation and equalize energy shortages; To achieve higher pregnancy rates, the level of prostaglandin in the uterus should be reduced to preserve the corpus luteum. This ensures progesterone production, which is vital for embryo survival.
    Omega-3 fatty acids are known to suppress the production of prostaglandin (Achard et al, 1997).
    Omega-6 (linoleic acid) can be converted in the animal through enzymatic reactions into arachidonic acid, which is the precursor of prostaglandin. With the beneficial effects of prostaglandin on endometritis and retained placenta (Gross et al, 1987; Heuwieser et al, 1992), feeding linoleic acid prepartum is thus expected to support the uterus around calving. This will promote the ability of the uterus to conceive again.
    2)  Vitamin A-lutein and beta-carotene directly affects the processes of ovulation and embryo. Lutein containing the hormone progesterone, a very positive effect on the endometrium, which becomes richer in substances needed the developing embryo and acts on the uterine muscle relaxant; In cows fed rations that fully covering the need for beta-carotene, is able to improves  fertility rates, shortening the period between pregnancy and reduce the incidence of silent estrus and ovarian cysts. Low vitamin A in feed can cause heat disorders, miscarriage and stop bearing. The daily requirement of beta carotene, depending on the milk yield ranges from 200 to 500 mg. Conversion of carotenes in physiologically active vitamin A occurs in the mucosa of the small intestine and, to a lesser extent in the liver and other body tissues. The intensity of this process depends to a large extent on the proper supply of animal protein, and vitamin E.
    3) Vitamin E (needed for a healthy reproductive system) Effect on the oocyte. The beneficial role of vitamin E  in this context is via antioxidant mechanism. It works simultaneously, keeps biological membrane intact and assures quality of oocyte.
    Antioxidants and polyphenols (vitamin E, ascorbic acid, herbal extracts with high antioxidant activity like green tea .
    Vitamin E activates the development and function of the gonads.
    Functions of Vitamin C like antioxidant:
    – The ability of the reversible oxidation and reduction, and thereby maintains the correct state erdox cells
    – Reduces reactive oxygen species, such as: superoxide anion radical
    – Has a pro oxidative activity which is associated with the ability of this vitamin to the interaction of transition metal ions such as iron ion and copper ion.

    Participates in the preparation and protection of pregnancy and hormonal changes. Prevents degeneration and delayed fetal growth retardation, as well as sudden death by cardiac arrest. Its deficiency can cause abnormal menstrual cycle cows, embryo resorption, abortion. In males, long-term deficit of this vitamin leads to disturbance in the process of spermatogenesis, irreversible changes in the testes and total fertility.
    As a result of stimulating effect on follicle growth (Fig-1) improved preovulatory nutrition increases the size of the ovulatory follicle and the progesterone-secreting ability of the resulting corpus luteum
    4) Selenium improve cell protection. Selenium prevents mutations and ensures proper development of the fetus. Stimulates also the production of immunoglobulins. Marginally mineral deficient animals will abort or calves will be weak and unable to stand or suckle. Research indicates that selenium supplementation reduce the incidence of retained placenta, cystic ovary, mastitis and metritis. In addition cattle that maintain adequate blood selenium levels have reduced incidence of abortion, stillbirths and periparturient recumbency. Compromised selenium status has also been associated with poor uterine involution, and weak or silent heats.
    5) Oligo Elements with high absorption which improve the efficiency of breeding. Assisted insemination and embryo maintenance.

    Includes of strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Kluyveromyces fragilis, and Aspergillus oryzae for the better metabolism process. Saccharomyces cerevisae have a positive prebiotic  effect on the cows body. One of their roles is to  reduce the number of cases of detained membranes. Brewer’s yeast in the digestive tract of cows as a result of the release of sugar moieties or short-chain polysaccharides (oligosaccharides – mannans and glucans) absorb mycotoxins, adsorb pathogenic bacteria and stimulates macrophage resistance, improving the immune status.
    Modes of action of  yeast appear to be multiple in controlling rumen pH. Yeast supplementation controls rumen pH by favouring the competition of lactic acid utilising bacteria (Megasphera elsdenii) over lactic acid producers (Streptococcus bovis), thus decreasing lactic acid production in the rumen.
    Yeast also improves fibre digestion in the rumen by creating conditions more favourable for the growth of certain fibre-degrading micro organisms in the rumen (oxygen and sugars uptake and supply of essential nutrients), thus speeding up passage of feed and increasing appetite and feed uptake.
    For efficiency in animal nutrition yeast preparations may affect a number of factors. It seems that the most important is the process of drying, which is used Akron Srl Company. With the right technology yeast retain their biological activity and the active substances in the product are fully preserved.
    Aspergillus oryzae fermentation extracts, which are at the level of rumen fiber improve digestion, increase the sugar by-pass, which confirms the increased production of insulin, whose deficiency appears to be a factor in infertility.
    Strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Kluyveromyces fragilis for better improvement of the digestibility of feed, Kluyveromyces fragilis shows similar characteristics to the biological active natural yeast (such as beer), but is distinguished by a higher protein content and marked by an enzymatic activity that is able to break down carbohydrates (in particular by the enzyme beta-galactosidase) into simple sugars in the formation of lactic acid. This acid, by reducing or even prevent the pH in some parts of the intestines, promotes bio- regulation and modulation of the intestinal flora bacteria (probiotic effect) slowed down development of micro- organisms proteolytic  (bacteria from the intestinal coliform) and supports the development of the so-called “beneficial” intestinal flora (eg Lactobacillus) that allows for proper digestion, the development of a competitive action pathogenic microorganisms, and thus better assimilation of nutrients

    FERTIL ORY within the first 60 days of lactation in dose of 50 to 80 g per cow per day, helps to boost fertility in the following way:

    ·         Improves follicle rupture and ovulation
    ·         Stimulates the synthesis and the metabolism of fertility hormones
    ·         Protects the uterine mucous membrane
    ·         Encourages implantation of fertilised egg cells
    ·         Improves embryonal and foetal development
    ·         Improving the energy transport from the blood to the ovaries
    ·         Protects against corpus luteum and follicular cysts
    ·         Improves dry matter intake immediately after birth
    ·         Eliminates metabolic stress factors, fever, hypocalcemia
    ·         Reduces the production of toxins, preventing the effects of        inflammatory bowel disease
    ·         Reduces the amount of oxidants from the  inflammation  from many kinds of organs
    ·         Improves the overall health of the animal
    ·         Increases milk yield
    ·         Improves the digestibility of feed: the distribution and use of cellulosic components, protein and carbohydrate structural feed
    ·         Increases the rumen microflora and reconstruction
    ·         Optimizes pH of the rumen